Thursday, November 28, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Corrected Essays - Bibliography, Reference

After identifying potential sources for your Research Essay, compile a list of 6-10 sources into an Annotated Bibliography. List your sources in alphabetical order, provide complete MLA citation for each source, and compose an annotation for each source. Each annotation should be at least one paragraph and should incorporate one correctly formatted quotation from the source. Guideline for annotations Start by summarizing the source (3-4 sentences). D iscuss the author's main points and capture any useful quotes or passages you wish to use in your own essay. Then analyze your source: What moves does it make? How sound is the argument? What gaps do you notice? (3-4 sentences) Finally, address the role this source will play in your own argument (3-6 sentences). Does it build your credibility? Does it provide important evidence? Is it serving as a counter-argument to yours? This is the most important part of your annotation. Be specific and detailed. Somewhere in your annotation, you should include at least one quote from the source. The rules for quotes (they need to be introduced, in quotation marks, and have a parenthetical citation with page number) apply even in this bibliography. Remember, this is the leg-work for your essay. The more detailed work you do here, the easier it will be to write. However, you can certainly make changes if you need to before you compose your argument essay. You may find as you begin writing that some sources are not as helpful; therefore, the sources on your actual works-cited page and those included in your annotated bibliography may vary. This assignment is due Monday, November 19th by 11:59 PM. For some examples, see the attached files. Note that Example 1includes entries that are significantly longer than necessary--don't feel like you have to match that length. Also keep in mind that for both of these examples,the students were asked to specifically address the source's appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos; this is not a necessary part of your assignment, although you can certainly do so in your own analysis if you prefer. Also, note that the examples do not necessarily include a quote from the source, BUT YOU MUST DO THIS.

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