Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Heraclitus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Heraclitus - Essay Example These fragments covered various notions that humans go by in their daily lives and put them in a philosophical manner showing the social stature of each. The fragments are over one hundred and they assist individuals learn how to counter some of life issues. The fundamental of the fragments is ensuring that there exists co-existence of different people without change affecting their living or rather their manner of operation (Russell 56). The doctrine of flux is a principle that seeks to show the manner of thinking portrayed by Heraclitus. According to him, everything is subject to change and this change happens every time and in different places. An analogical expression of the doctrine assists in understanding it further. A flux is generally a flow and this is characteristic of change. Just like the way a river flows and water in it does not remain in one position, so is the case for life. The reason is that change happens consistently and various things do not remain in the same position. To understand the famous river fragment by Heraclitus, an individual ought to view this from a literal view where there is the understanding of the various concepts brought out in the fragment. The part where he states that it is impossible for a person to step twice in a river is meant to show that the part of the river that the person steps on is not the same one that he will step on if he decides to step in the river again. This is because that part of the river has already gone and finding it in the same place again is impossible. This is to illustrate the fact that things in this life are subject to change such as that part of the river that cannot be found in the initial location again. He however states that despite the change that takes place within the river, itself it does not change and remains constant (Kahn 89). Another point that he states is that it is impossible to capture something in its stable condition given the fact that it is immortal. This shows the

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