Thursday, December 5, 2019

Relationship Between The Treaty Of Waitangi †

Question: Discuss about the Relationship Between The Treaty Of Waitangi. Answer: Cultural safety is a concept which is drawn from the work of Maori nurse of New Zealand. It is defined as an efficientnursing exercise of an individual or even family from a specific culture established upon an individual or a family (Came, Cornes McCreanor, 2018). Within this essay it would examine the relationship between the Treaty of Waitangi, Maori health and also cultural safety. Furthermore, it could discussnursing methods that illustrates concepts of protection, partnership, together with participation. The treaty of Waitangi, cultural safety and Maori are invariably interconnected. The treaty was between Maori and British crown. At the time the death rates was high due to wars and diseases. Maori at the time was the minority group in New Zealand and they did not have health equality like others who were not Maori (Wepa, 2015). To help Maori improve their health status, the treaty was signed. The health professional needed to follow the three principles provided within the treaty: Partnership, protection and participation to help Maori improve their health (Wepa, 2015). The principle of partnership emphasizes that nurses need to maintain therapeutic relationship with Maori to establish health outcomes that is accepted. On the principle of participation enables Maori to be involved in decision making of their care (Wepa, 2015). On the last principle, protection of the cultures as well as the beliefs of Maori are important before the nurses provides any health services. In the same se nse cultural safety helps to recognize inequalities within the health care interactions. Therefore, practicing the Treaty of Waitangi and cultural safety supports quality improvement of service delivery in the health care (Wepa, 2015). Onenursing strategies which explain the Treaty of Waitangi is therapeutic communication. Communication skills are important to the nurses to enable them educate or even empower the client (Nursing Council of New Zealand, 2011). Through good communication, nurses will be able to understand Maori culture. Nonetheless, they should never presume a patient might adapt to certain set of the cultural belief just by look even though the patient look they belong to a particular culture. Therefore, when there is good communication skills the nurses would adapt a good rapport with the client and this would enable establish a therapeutic relationship which would leads to better health outcomes (Nursing Council of New Zealand, 2011). Anothernursing strategy utilized to demonstrate the principles in the Treaty is collaboration. The nurses should maintain a therapeutic relationship with their client. This is achieved through the collaboration which is established toward common objective to attain better health outcomes for the Maori community (Richardson, Yarwood Richardson, 2017). The nurses respect the unique cultural identity of the client through involving them when it comes to decision making. Consequently, this can strengthen on the patient awareness in regards to their treatment and emphasizes on positive health outcomes. Overall, it is important to follow Waitangi Treaty as well as cultural safety to achieve a positive health outcome amongst Maori community. Self awareness as well as collaboration are two significant strategies to demonstrate the principles of Waitangi Treaty. References Came, H., Cornes, R., McCreanor, T. (2018). Treaty of Waitangi in New Zealand public health strategies and plans 20062016. The New Zealand medical journal, 131(1469), 32- 37. Nursing Council of New Zealand. (2011). Guidelines for culture safety, the Treaty of Waitangi and Maori health in nursing education and practice. Retrieved from htt:// for nurses Richardson, A., Yarwood, J., Richardson, S. (2017). Expressions of cultural safety in public health nursing practice. Nursing inquiry, 24(1). Wepa, D. (Ed.). (2015). Cultural safety in Aotearoa New Zealand. Cambridge University Press.

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