Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Essay On Russia - 776 Words

Third Draft- Russia Standing inside a semi-frozen Russian greenhouse, four biologists are watching their country die around them. Magnolia, Quincy, Abha and Gaidar were living and working in Irkutsk, Russia as biologists.The four biologists met in their university years at Moscow State University and believed they were going to change the world. They were studying and trying to repopulate a very rare species of tree, the Nasczokins Lime tree. However, these magnificent plans came to a sudden stop. Russia just experienced the worst modern-day natural disaster, a massive flooding of the nearby river and lakes due to excessive rainfall. The TVs are blaring the news â€Å"Russia is destroyed! Take shelter immediately! Thousands have been swept†¦show more content†¦I did a project on that once, now children will never learn the way I did.† Magnolia states in a melancholy tone. She rummages through the storage closet to find her crumpled, outdated collage from the fifth grade. â€Å"We couldn’t even communicate without a writing system though.† adds Gaidar. Magnolia, Quincy, Abha, and Gaidar continue to discuss the most important parts of Russian society that they believe would be most crucial in rebuilding the now annihilated country. They mean for this to be a peaceful discussion, but everyone has a different view, and it has dissolved into a less that civil conversation. Magnolia believes that the social and economical classes of Russia are the most important, claiming that Russia would not be successful if not for the layers of society. The class systems organize the people by wealth, profession, and place in society; without them there would be no order. Abha believes that religion is crucial to Russia. She feels strongly that the part that Orthodox Christianity plays is critical to the hope of the people, guiding them through life toward an end goal. She thinks that without it Russia would be in shambles and the people, directionless. Quincy, on the contrary, believes that the government is the most significant part. He states that religion provides no sustainability to the nation. Russia’s government plays a huge part in how the country reacts to the world around it and inside the countryShow MoreRelatedAn Essay On Russia1015 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal HRM Group Essay: Russia Overview of Russia Russia, officially known as the Russian Federation, has a total area of 17,098,242 sq km (â€Å"The World Factbook†) and is the largest country in the world. It is about 1.8 times the size of the United States (â€Å"The World Factbook†). Most of Russia is either large stretches of plains or areas with a lot of forests and mountains, with the exception of the Siberian Tundra. 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